Thursday 22 August 2013

Step By Step Process Of Brazilian Hair Treatment

The big hype in the cosmetic world these days is that of keratin hair treatment. Everybody is talking or going for this treatment. The treatment works as a magic for all those who has a great desire of having straight and smooth hair. This hair therapy is quite expensive and thus you must know certain things before you plan for this.

Here, I am discussing the step by step process of keratin hair treatment, so that you do not miss out anything.

Choose the right products: the safety of these treatments was questioned lately in the news due to some dangerous and harmful chemicals present in some products. Therefore, it is essential for you to pick the right and safe product before starting the process. It is said that Brazilian hair care products are best for the treatment.

Proper washing: once you have chosen good quality keratin hair products, hair stylist will wash your hair properly to remove any kind of dust, dirt and other chemicals. Some stylists wash hair for three times to ensure a complete cleaning.

Applying the treatment: once washed, hair is towel dried. There are different kinds of Brazilian hair care solutions, some of which are applied on dry hair while others on damp hair. For this, hair is divided into sections and keratin hair products are applied with extreme care and precaution.
After application, a fine tooth comb is made to run through hair to ensure even spreading of treatment all over the hair.

Processing time: it totally depends upon the product applied. However, the normal time is 10-20 minutes. After processing, you need not wash your hair.

Blow dryer: following the above step, the solution is blow dried into your hair. The process may take some time as it dries the extra solution that got stuck with the hair.

Flat ironing: hair is parted into different sections and each section is straightened using a ceramic iron heated up to 450 degrees. This process completes your process of Brazilian keratin treatment. Now you can go home with soft, silky and smooth hair.

Finally some precautions:
To experience the best results of the treatment, one needs to follow certain precautions-
•    Avoid washing for three days after treatment
•    Avoid using clips, bands, hair bands as they can leave some dents on your hair.
•    After the three day period when you use shampoo and conditioner, make sure that they are of high quality and sulfate free. For best results, you can use Brazilian blowout conditioner.

Brazilian blowout hair straightening treatment is a proven method to make your dry, frizzy and unmanageable hair turns into soft and smooth strands. The treatment results can last up to 4-5 months. The best part is it does not take much of your time and can be used on any aged person with any type of hair.

You can go for this treatment month ahead of any special occasion or event of your life, so that you need not waste time in parlors while the others are enjoying.

Brazilian Blowout Treatment- A Boon to The Dry And Unmanageable Hair

Celebrities are catalysts for any new and stylish trend in the market. When Hollywood beautiful personalities share their views on their new looks and style, women flock to parlors and salons to get the same. The fresh example of the same is the Brazilian blowout hair treatment. As we know that women have an inner desire to get straight, shiny and smooth locks, they tend to restore all kinds of chemical treatments to achieve the results. Therefore, Brazilian blowout treatment has gained momentum and popularity.

The treatment works magically to relax wavy, damaged and frizzy hair by sealing them with liquid keratin. This is then finished with the flat iron straightening. It is said that the process lasts for four months and stylists and professionals have claimed it to be healthier than other hair treatments. This is due to the infusion of keratin protein which is a naturally available protein in our nails, skin and hair.

Some stylists say that it is not actually a straightening treatment but a smoothening process. The process can be done on any type of treated hair be it colored, bleached or treated with other treatments. Further, the age is no bar for this treatment as a girl of age seven can also go for it. If you are a busy mom, who do not find time for your hair, the treatment is an attractive option.

Recently, the treatment came under the scanner that it posses high levels of formaldehyde. This formaldehyde is a toxic chemical which poses great threat to your eyes, causes headache, throat infection and even cancer. However consulting with the famous stylists reveals the fact that formaldehydes are present in most shampoos and other products.

Moreover, Brazilian keratin hair treatment has this product in quantities which are allowed by the safety standards. Most of the hair professionals use the treatment in their salons and they are getting nice feedback on the same. Professionals are claiming this treatment to be completely safe and effective.

It is said that the best results of the treatment can be attained if you use Brazilian blowout products after treatment. This is because these products are specially designed to nourish the Brazilian blowout treated hair. Moreover, these products have all the protecting elements to cure your hair after treatment. You can get all these products online on professional salons. The products would include Brazilian blowout shampoo, Brazilian blowout conditioner and other products to apply on hair.

After the recent controversy, most people feel skeptical to undergo the treatment. However, you need not worry as the treatment has already passed all the benchmarks of safety standards. The only thing you have to keep in mind is that it is an expensive treatment. Therefore, think before you make a final decision. Do a thorough research for the best salons in your area so that you are not cheated on anything.

So, just get a makeover and free yourself from the task of managing hair every other day.

Let Your Hair Be The Talk Of The Town

You might have the perfect figure, amazing height, spotless skin, beautiful pout and lovely eyes. But if you have super wavy hair that refuses to stay calm, your entire get up will come to naught. So no matter how much you do to style up in order to look your best, you have to duly consider about your hair since they speak volumes about your personality. Going by the latest trends, straight and silky hair is the latest buzz these days and it is quite appealing to see most of the women in town flaunting straight tresses. So do you want to be the odd one out with your unmanageable curls?    

Not for long, though! Look what the hair industry is offering you as your savior. The Brazilian Blowout hair treatment! Welcome it with open arms since this is going to save your day from a bad hair day. Once you do this treatment, you will also be in the league of those extraordinary women with an impeccably straight mane of hair. And the good news is that it can be done on all types of hair – it is seen that even the curliest of hair has been made totally straight with the help of this Keratin hair treatment. What’s more, it is extremely cost effective and comes easy on the pocket.

The Brazilian hair care is a fantastic prospective where you do not have to do much. Simply sit idle and enjoy the experience as the hair dresser generously induces the Keratin into your hair cuticles running it down till the end of your hair with the help of an iron rode. It will not take more than 90 minutes of your time. You can also do hair coloring at the same time but do it before the straightening process. You will only have to perform some dos and don’ts which will be advised by the hair dresser. This is to ensure that you get the actual result and do not compromise on it. This is an extremely reasonably priced treatment and will not cost you a bomb!

But only undergoing the treatment is not sufficient. If you want the luster to remain intact years after the treatment is done, then you will have to take extra care of your hair. And the best way to maintain it is by using Brazilian Blowout products. This includes the super effective pair of Brazilian Blowout Shampoo and Brazilian Blowout Conditioner. Us this shampoo for best results followed by the conditioner. This shampoo and conditioner is designed keeping in mind the Keratin treated hair. If you use these two products, you do not have to take extra effort for maintenance.

To make things more accessible, hair product manufacturers have put their products on sale on online portals. Hence, you can say that hair care now is just a click away. You can get anything hair products you want without even having to step out of your house. So make the most of the easiest and stress free way to take care of your radiant locks.

Don’t Ruin Your Date Because Of Bad Hair – Go For Keratin Treatment

Check this out – you have a hot date lining up in the weekend and you want to show up in your best attire, matching accessories, well manicured fingers and make up beautifully done. Wait, something is missing. Oh, your hair! Your entire attempt to look impressive will be futile if your hair is in a mess. Let not be your day of dating be a bad hair day because you will keep thinking about it and lose your focus on other equally important things. So the best thing to do in a short period of time and save your rendezvous with your special someone is by going for the magical Brazilian Blowout hair treatment.

This Brazilian Blowout or Keratin hair treatment is the fastest and easiest route to have the perfect combo of straight and shiny hair. It work wonders and the results can be seen within a few days. This hair treatment is best suited for those with unruly, frizzled hair because the Keratin contains properties which act as the permanent solution to straighten the curly hairs. The Keratin is infused into the hair cuticle with an electric rod. This process takes no time and very soon you will find that your curls have given away to a straight and silky mane of hair.

The good thing about Brazilian Keratin treatment is that it can be performed on all kinds of hair. You only have to follow a general set of do’s and don’ts so that you do not compromise of the desired outcome. If this Brazilian Keratin hair treatment is performed in the right professional way, you will get shiny, silky and healthy hair within a day. The process is so fast and durable that you can step out of the parlor within only 90 minutes. In fact you can also go for coloring in the same day itself only that the coloring should be done prior to the straightening.

Once you are done with the treatment, it is essential to you maintain it properly. It takes a little effort to keep up the radiance of your Keratin treated hair. But you need not worry on that part also because there is a combination of Brazilian Blowout Shampoo and Brazilian Blowout Conditioner which will effectively keep the radiance of your hair intact. These products are especially designed for such purpose only. So with their help, you need not put in much effort to keep your tresses straight and shining.

However, one thing you should keep in mind and that is – look out for cheap, contaminated products that are floating in the market and are bringing a bad name to the industry. Due to such unethical practices, many unfortunate customers have suffered from severe hair fall and damaged hair. So always go for products that are manufactured by reliable hair care brands. You can also take advice from hair experts who are available online regarding any problem with your hair. They can also advice you on which product to use depending on your type of hair.